Garrett at Max Metal Detector with Z-Lynk Wireless Headphone Plus Accessories
・Fully Waterproof to 10 Feet
・Wireless Headphones Included
・8.5" x 11" PROformance Searchcoil Included
・All Metal Iron Audio
・Maximum Detection Depth
説明: Features: 8.5x11" DD PROformance Searchcoil Included:: Optimized for maximum detection depth on small relics and coin-sized targets. The DD configuration provides greater detection depth and performance by significantly reducing the negative effects of heavily mineralized ground and saltwater interference. MS-3 Z-Lynk Wireless Headphones:: Garrett MS-3 Z-Lynk Wireless Headphones, with Built-In Z-Lynk Receiver for High-Fidelity Audio. Comfortable ear cushions and adjustable headband guarantee a comfortable fit for every head size. True All Metal Mode:: Detects all types of metal and provides the greatest possible detection depth and sensitivity. Hunt Day And Night::The AT MAX includes a backlit display feature, allowing you to continue hunting in low-light conditions. All Metal Iron Audio:: Garrett exclusive feature that audibly identifies discriminated iron while operating in a True All-Metal Mode (also available in the three Discrim Modes). Digital Target ID:: Numeric identification scale from 0 to 99. Identifies a target metal's conductivity. Robust, non-absorbant, textured rubber grip Maximum Detection Depth:: Enhanced electronics, a 13.6 kHz operating frequency, and eight Sensitivity/Depth adjustments allow you to detect targets deeper than other Garrett AT detectors. Automated Ground Balance Window:: This Garrett exclusive feature can simultaneously "spread" the ground balance setting to a range of values to reduce ground response in severely mineralized areas. Automatic and manually adjustable ground balance options also available. Overview: ALL Terrain - Go Where Others Fear to Follow. Designed for dusty, humid or wet environments and fully waterproof to 10 feet, the AT MAX is Garrett's most versatile and advanced all-terrain VLF metal detector
カテゴリー: 金属探知機
メーカー: Garrett Metal Detectors
ブランド: Garrett
高さ: 54.6 センチ
幅: 36.8 センチ
奥行: 14.7 センチ
重量: 3.1 Kg