尺八 玉山銘 真竹 都山流 1尺8寸 高級管 shakuhachi tozan-ryu n.13
尺八 1尺8寸 高級管。
1.8 shakuhachi made with a long-jointed bamboo.This long-jointed bamboo of raw material has been carefully selected from among a wide number of bamboo.utaguchi is Tozan.rustic tone with a width depth of sound is an attractive feature.For the Nakatsugi middle joint, one line of gold is used in the Tomaki binding.Tone and balance are its highest quality.
玉山銘尺八 都山流 1尺8寸 中継ぎ太金一線籐巻 真竹 gyokuzan-mei shakuhachi tozan-ryu 1shaku8sun
尺八 1尺8寸 高級管。 原材料の真竹は数ある竹材の中より厳選された一品です。 歌口は都山流。 幅のある重厚な音色が魅力です。 中継ぎには太金一線籐巻を施しております。 音色、バランス共に最高級の一品です。 1.8 shakuhachi made with a long-jointed bamboo.This long-jointed bamboo of raw material has been carefully selected from among a wide number of bamboo.utaguchi is Tozan.rustic tone with a width depth of sound is an attractive feature.For the Nakatsugi middle joint, one line of gold is used in the Tomaki binding.Tone and balance are its highest quality.玉山銘尺八 都山流 1尺8寸 中継ぎ太金一線籐巻 真竹 gyokuzan-mei shakuhachi tozan-ryu 1shaku8sun