沖縄県 西表糖業株式会社
◆名称 西表島特産 西表黒糖(純黒糖) 特等
◆商品説明 大自然で育ったさとうきびなので味と香りが違います!
◆原材料 さとうきび
エネルギー 354kcal
たんぱく質 2.6g
脂質 0.1g
炭水化物 88.8g
ナトリウム 44.2mg
リン 16.9mg
鉄 3.13mg
カルシウム 198mg
カリウム 1.19g
マグネシウム 115mg
亜鉛 0.32mg
糖蜜 9.8度
P・H 6.5
タンニン 0.41g
◆アレルゲン表示 なし
◆保存方法 直射日光・高温多湿を避けて常温で保存してください
◆製造者 西表糖業株式会社 浦添市伊奈武瀬
◆販売者 大一商事株式会社
〒010-0041 秋田市広面字樋の下12-2
TEL 018-835-8051
FAX 018-832-8388(24時間)
【■お探しキーワード(*^▽^*) 】
西表黒糖 西表島 生活習慣 黒砂糖 黒糖 シュガーミネラル 鉄分 カリウム 北部製糖 お菓子 黒糖饅頭黒糖饅 粉糖 沖縄 西表黒糖 西表島 100% ヘルシー栄養 健康 黒砂糖 こくとう くろ砂糖 黒さとうコクトウ 糖みつ 糖ミツ 糖蜜 国産黒砂糖 国内産黒砂糖沖縄県 沖縄黒糖 沖縄県産黒糖 お菓子 まんじゅう黒糖まんじゅう 黒糖マンジュウ カリウム カルシウムカルシュウム カルシューム
【■ENGLISH(*^▽^*) 】
Iriomote Island (西表島, Iriomotejima) is Okinawa's second largest island. Largely undeveloped, nearly 90 percent of the island is covered by dense jungle and mangrove forests, much of which makes up the Iriomote National Park, the southernmost of Japan's national parks.Iriomote is also a popular scuba diving destination especially at Manta Way, the strait between Iriomote and nearby Kohama Island, where schools of manta rays congregate in spring and summer. Diving tours are available for all skill levels.The island is also home to the Iriomote Yamaneko, a type of wildcat, which was discovered in 1965 and is only found on Iriomote Island. The chances of encountering an Iriomote Yamaneko are low as the nocturnal, house cat sized animal is an endangered species that is thought to number less than 100 individuals./brown sugar lump
■Raw sugar made in Iriomoteshima Island - Natural and tasty.
Iriomoteshima Island, mysterious lands in Japan.
The large parts of it is covered with a virgin forest of the subtropicalzones, and Iriomote wildcats and crested serpent eagles live there. Peoplecall them as “living fossil”.
Abundant gift from the Sun.
Iriomoteshima Island Raw Sugar is a gift from a tropical island. It is madefrom painstakingly-raised sugarcane and we boil the sweet juice to make one.
■Raw sugar made in Iriomoteshima Island - Our proud and joy
Tremendous amount of water used for raw sugar production processes can besecured in the island. That is why you can enjoy the original sweetness andrich taste of sugarcane with the Iriomoteshima Island Raw Sugar.
◆Ingredients: Sugarcane
◆Allergy Information: N/A
It is rare and pure raw sugar full of rich nutrients.
(The sizes of the cubes are varied as they are crushed sugar.)
■Recommended ways to have the raw sugar.
The raw sugar is made from pure juice squeezed out of sugarcane and containsrich mineral and vitamins.
You can have some the raw sugar simply to energize your brain, or it can beserved with tea.
It can also be used for cooking. When you are tired, please have 2 to 3cubes of the raw sugar.
Have a healthy life with the raw sugar!