『中古即納』{PS4} FRIDAY THE 13TH THE GAME(フライデー・ザ・13th:ザ・ゲーム) 北米版 (オンライン専用)(2103304) Gun Media (20171013)
■タイトル:FRIDAY THE 13TH THE GAME(フライデー・ザ・13th:ザ・ゲーム) 北米版 (オンライン専用)(2103304)
■メーカー:Gun Media
■対象年齢:ESRB M MATURE 17+(CERO区分_Z相当)
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※こちらのソフトは国内版PlayStation 4本体で問題なく動作いたします。
Friday the 13th: The Game is a third-person horror survival game where players take on the role of a teen counselor or for the first time ever Jason Voorhees. You and six other unlucky souls will do everything possible to escape and survive while the most well-known killer in the world tracks you down and brutally slaughters you.
■権利表記:FRIDAY THE 13TH and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © New Line Productions Inc. and Horror Inc. (each to the extent of their interest).
© 2017 Gun Media Holdings Inc. All Rights Reserved. Gun MediaTM and the Gun MediaTM logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Gun Media Holdings Inc. throughout the world. IllFonicTM and the IllFonicTM logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of IllFonic LLC throughout the world.