レンズ アクセサリ Fotodiox レンズマウント アダプタ - オリンパスペンF一眼レフレンズとニコンZマウントミラーレスカメラの互換性

Mounts a Vast Range of Vintage Workhorse Lenses to Modern Digital Cameras
Versatile, Dependable, Adaptable - Add Style & Character to your Image
Affordable & Easy To Use
All-Metal Construction; Secure & Solid Fit
Limited 2-Year Manufacturer

説明: Whether you're shooting digitally or on film, Fotodiox offers the world's largest selection of lens ada Fotodiox Lens Mount Adapter - Compatible with Olympus Pen F SLR Lenses to Nikon Z-Mount Mirrorless Cameras<商品により日本で使用すると電波法に違反する場合がありますのでご注意ください>
  • Mounts a Vast Range of Vintage Workhorse Lenses to Modern Digital Cameras
  • Versatile, Dependable, Adaptable - Add Style & Character to your Image
  • Affordable & Easy To Use
  • All-Metal Construction; Secure & Solid Fit
  • Limited 2-Year Manufacturer
説明: Whether you're shooting digitally or on film, Fotodiox offers the world's largest selection of lens adapters. Mix camera/lens platforms or reinvigorate vintage glass; Fotodiox has hundreds of ways to mount lenses onto your DSLR or SLR camera. Our adapters deliver infinity focus, manual aperture control, and a sturdy build for lasting quality.

Fotodiox Pro adapters feature all-metal, no plastic construction to create a secure connection between your glass and camera that will not degrade over time, keeping the lens-camera connection secure with every use. We use chrome plated brass mounts for enhanced durability and reliability. All Fotodiox products are backed by our 24-month Fotodiox Manufacturer  .

Compatible with Z-Mount Cameras - Popular models include:
* Nikon Z 7, Z 7II, Z 6, Z 6II, Z 5, Z 50

* This is a manual adapter, so lens functions that rely on electronic communication with the camera body (autofocus, AE metering, image stabilization, etc.) will be disrupted.
* Pen F lenses were designed to cover a focus plane smaller than APS-C so vignetting in this combination is normal.
* Set your exposure manually or meter using your camera's Aperture Priority (stop-down) mode.
* Some cameras need to be set a certain way to work with our adapters or you may get a message such as 'Error Lens Not Attached - Check lens'. Please check the support articles on the Fotodiox Knowledge Base for possible solutions on a variety of camera brands.

All pictures are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary slightly due to ongoing improvements in design.

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メーカー: Fotodiox
ブランド: Fotodiox
高さ: 12.7 センチ
幅: 19.1 センチ
奥行: 3.8 センチ
重量: 0.1 Kg