エレクトロ・ハーモニクス エフェクター用アダプター Electro-Harmonix JP9.6DC-200 返品種別A
在庫状況:お取り寄せ/3日〜5日で出荷/◆エレクトロハーモニクスエフェクター 純正電源アダプター/[JP96DC200]
◆エレクトロハーモニクスエフェクター 純正電源アダプター
■ 仕 様 ■
- 対象機種:Analogizer BassballsChill Switch Doctor Q Double Muff Freeze Holy Grail Iron Lung Kill Switch LPB-1 Nano Clone Neo Clone Neo Mistress Memory Toy The Mole Muff Overdrive Pocket Metal Muff RTG Screaming Bird Signal Pad Small Stone Soul PreacherSteel Leather Switchblade +#1 Echo 8 Step Program Bass Big Muff Pi Bass Blogger Bass Metaphors Bass Microsynth Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker Cathedral Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi DeluxeMemory Boy Deluxe Memory Man 550-TT Enigma Epitome Germanium4 Big Muff Pi Germanium OD Graphic Fuzz Holy Grail Plus Holy Stain Knockout Little Big Muff PiMemory Boy Metal Muff with Top Boost Micro Metal Muff Micro POG Micro Q-Tron Microsynth Octave Multiplexer POG2 Ravish Sitar Riddle Ring Thing Stereo Clone Theory Stereo Electric Mistress Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai Stereo Polychorus Stereo Pulsar Stereo Talking Machine Superego Tone Tattoo V256 Vocoder Voice BoxEHX Next Step Effects 45000 Multi-Track Looping Recorder HOG2 Most Boss Ibanez and MXR effects