・Modular saddle drink system universally fits both traditional and snub-nose saddles
・Multiple mounting and lashing points can be customized for water bottle, CO2 pump, accessory bag, and tie-strap combinations
・3-Position (40 degrees) saddle rail mounting options.
・Bottle cages are mounted for optimized accessibility and ideal aerodynamics
・5-Position (40 degrees) bottle cage tilt adjustability.
・Precision-made alloy frame with corrosion-resistant hardware
・Includes Saddle Mount and two High Grip Cages (V0135)
・Saddle Mount - bead blasted anodized black
・Neutral graphics
・191 grams (420mm)
・48 grams (bottle cage)
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・Modular saddle drink system universally fits both traditional and snub-nose saddles
・Multiple mounting and lashing points can be customized for water bottle, CO2 pump, accessory bag, and tie-strap combinations
・3-Position (40 degrees) saddle rail mounting options.
・Bottle cages are mounted for optimized accessibility and ideal aerodynamics
・5-Position (40 degrees) bottle cage tilt adjustability.
・Precision-made alloy frame with corrosion-resistant hardware
・Includes Saddle Mount and two High Grip Cages (V0135)
・Saddle Mount - bead blasted anodized black
・Neutral graphics
・191 grams (420mm)
・48 grams (bottle cage)