天と地のかけはし 写真とエッセイでつづる関川村での10年間 配送ポイント:17[M便 17/19]

I learned so much from my life in Sekikawa. I wrote this book in hope that others can benefit from the lessons I learned, too. I hope you enjoy it.

This is the story of an American wife living in the Japanese countryside. Through living with her Japanese husband, raising five children, and being on TV, she made the choice to live for love. Her story will make you laugh, cry, and open your eyes to a whole new world. Complete with over 200 pictures, a special manga, an original myth, and more!
新潟県の関川村で田舎暮らしを営んできたアメリカ人女性の奮闘記。日本人の夫との結婚生活、5人の子育て、そしてテレビ取材を経て彼女が選んだのは、正しく生きることより愛に生きる道。笑いあり、涙あり、感動ありの心の軌跡。暮らしを切りとる200枚以上の写真、オリジナル神話&巻末マンガも必見!This is the story of an American wife living in the Japanese countryside.Through living with her Japanese husband, raising five children, and being on TV, she made the choice to live for love. Her story will make you laugh, cry, and open your eyes to a whole new world. Complete with over 200 pictures, a special manga, an original myth, and more!All text is in both English and Japanese.本文はすべて英語と日本語の両方で書かれています。発売日: 2020/6/25著者:川崎パトリシアPaticia Kawasaki / Patricia Leeann Markley1978年6月25日アリゾナ州のツーソン市に生まれる。大学は2回卒業。1回目は、イリノイ大学のアーバナシャンペーン校で東アジア言語文化を専攻。2回目は京都精華大学でストーリーマンガを専攻。現在は保育園児から大人までの英会話講師として生活費を稼ぎながら家族と共に農的な暮らしに挑戦している。2016年に関川村の魅力を紹介する英文情報誌「Sparkle」の自費出版を機に子供のころからなりたかった物書きの夢が蘇り、今に至る。Born June 25th 1978 in Tucson, Arizona. Graduated UIUC with a major in East Asian Languages and Cultures and Kyoto Seika University with a major in story manga. Currently earning a living by teaching English to people of all ages while attempting to live in harmony with nature together with her family in the Japanese countryside.After self-publishing Sparkle, an English guide to the rustic charms of Sekikawa village, in 2016, her childhood dream of becoming a teller of stories came back to life.