Zen Vegan Food Delicious Plant‐based Recipes from a Zen Buddhist Monk/レシピ

著:KoyuIinuma 訳:MakikoItoh
キーワード:ZenVeganFoodDeliciousPlant‐basedRecipesfromaZenBuddhistMonkKoyuIinumaMakikoItoh 料理 クッキング ぜんヴいーがんふーどZENVEGANFOODでりし ゼンヴイーガンフードZENVEGANFOODデリシ いいぬま こうゆう いとう ま イイヌマ コウユウ イトウ マ

『簡単! お寺ご飯』(徳間書店刊)英訳版


The 73 recipes showcased in Zen Vegan Food are incredibly beautiful and tasty, while also being nutritious, sustainable and ethically responsible. Color photos show the finished dishes, while comprehensive information on Japanese ingredients like seaweed, miso and tofu helps home cooks with shopping and preparation.

In this cookbook, readers will find:

・28 recipes for vegan congee?the traditional Asian rice porridge dish that is taking the West by storm. These include Congee with Eggplant and Ginger, Soymilk Congee and Congee with Saffron and Chestnuts
・A chapter on Japanese-Italian dishes with recipes such as Grilled Turnips with Mustard and Olive Sauce, Spaghetti with Pesto and Shiitake and Mushroom Risotto with Nori Seaweed
・Delicious condiments and starters to brighten up any meal, such as Mushroom Miso Paste and Crunchy Kombu Chips
